I didn't update yesterday because it was such a long day. We had a few hours of The New Patient Experience, saw gastroenterology, pulmonology. Mom is having a biopsy via endoscopy ultrasound on Friday. She did really well for being at the Center all day. What I'm not telling you is we got ourselves a nap between the appointments and the Experience.
Today, I'll be honest. I'm nearing panic attack right now and we're not even at the Center yet. I took one of my anxiety meds, which hasn't happened in a while. I could fall back to sleep so I'm sure Mom could too.
The pulmonologist was happy the fluid in her lungs seems to be decreasing. Mom 11 happy too.
She gained 1 1/4 lbs yesterday. She's been eating nonstop so hopefully we'll see more weight gain.
This is fucking scary.
All of it. Trying to get things scheduled in a way that addresses the acinar carcinoma swiftly but also being patient and not Basically Momma has a very rare cancer called acinar carcinoma. The oncologist has seen it like twice in 17 years or something similar.
She'll do chemotherapy (but they don't have a specific one for this cancer) and praise God it hasn't metastasized
Woo-hoo!!! Probably around the 11th is when they'll start.
Cancer sucks. I honestly and truly believe it's a demon that enters our body.
My ex-husband/baby daddy's wife, The Sweet One, prayed over me yesterday with the biggest hug. And the peace and comfort from God is amazing.
The Boy wanted to NOT stay with me even though I hadn't seen him in a week. Stinker. That hurt my feelings but let's face it- Mawmaws house is more fun. Whatever.
Momma got to check out the little old and disabled people carts at Walmart (she says there were no more real carts left. If you see her coming don't get in her way. We laughed all through Walmart. These things are responsive!!
I may have posted this but it was sweet to get in her Bag of Hope.
I wasn't going to share this but I will.
This. This is what hope looks like. She has battled cancer three times. This is her fourth. And she is not giving up. So have hope.
"Therefore, with minds that are alert and fully sober, set your hope on the grace to be brought to you when Jesus Christ is revealed at his coming." Peter 1: 13
My Mommy and me.
Until next time.