Today was my second fill. I was told that I’m almost done. I’m four weeks post op and have been released to work and do normal activities. The only limitation is if it’s painful then I stop. I also have to be careful still while lifting The Boy and only use my legs. As my wonderful boss said, “welcome back to the real world!”. I’m so excited this is almost over.
For me, the worst part is done. The whole “don’t do anything” schtick is super old. I’m at 270cc and will have my exchange in about a month.
The Husband was felled by the flu this week so I’ve had to do stuff I’m not supposed to because no one wants to come into a flu ridden home. Luckily, The Husband is recovering and hasn’t died. He’s even been helpful while wandering around sick. Or as helpful as a man with the flu can be, anyway.
If you follow my blog I’ll be posting before and after photos today.
The weird things are: feeling the saline sloshing around in my expanders; feeling my expander shift when I bend over; being able to push my expander and feel it move. Basically anything with my expanders and movement is weird. It’s not normal.
Anyways. I have to step into the Wally World because I’ve been told I’m OUT of compression bras (for now) and into camisoles. Thank you God.
I have to give all of my recovery and healing to God because there have been no issues, complications, nothing. God has healed me, given me total recovery AND feeling that I didn’t expect to have.